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Sessions Information

  • March 4, 2025
    2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
    Session Type: Education Session
    Session Capacity: N/A

    Session description is not available at this time...

Session Speakers

Crystal leads US Cyber Analytics for Aon Reinsurance Solutions, utilizing her expertise in actuarial experience-driven analyzes, as well as cyber catastrophe modeling. Crystal has worked with four cyber catastrophe vendor models and Aon’s bespoke scenarios to quantify affirmative and non-affirmative cyber exposure. She joined Aon in 2018 and has contributed to several thought leadership pieces

Mark Camillo is currently CEO of CyberAcuView (, an industry consortium of leading cyber insurers created to enhance innovation, improve market efficiencies, and support collaboration among multiple stakeholders for the long-term benefit of policyholders, insurers, and the connected economy. Prior to joining CyberAcuView, he most recently was the Head of Cyber, EMEA at AI

Jonathan Hatzor co-founded Parametrix in 2018 to tackle the growing risk of cloud outages. Parametrix developed technology to monitor IT service performance, enabling the first parametric cloud downtime insurance. The company also launched a cloud outage ILS with Hannover Re and earned the trust of top insurers and brokers. Before this, Jonathan founded Matter, a 3D property visualization tool ac

Pascal Millaire is the CEO of CyberCube, which was established under his leadership in 2015 within Symantec and has operated as a standalone business since January 2018. Today, CyberCube’s analytics are used by over half of the top 50 cyber brokers, 30 of the 40 largest US and European cyber insurers and the world’s leading reinsurance and reinsurance brokerage institutions. Previously, Pasc

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.


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